Solidarity With Our AAPI Community

April 26, 2021

Categories: AAPI,

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The mass shooting that took place in Atlanta in March as well as the many incidences of violence and harassment of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) over the course of the pandemic brought to harsh light the increasing hate, violence, and discrimination that has been taking place across the country, and in our own city of Philadelphia. While anti-AAPI violence has been going on for a very long time, recent events have represented an awakening among many AAPI community members in terms of finding their voice in response. This makes the ongoing work to create more room for AAPI voices particularly important.

From PIDC’s own work over the past year in delivering small business relief funding, we also know that many AAPI-owned businesses in our communities have been among those hardest hit in terms of the economic impacts of the pandemic. We recognize and support the critical and difficult work that many AAPI-led organizations across the city are doing to address the impacts of the crisis and bring resources to entrepreneurs and community members in a culturally competent and impactful way.

PIDC stands in solidarity against racism, bigotry, and violence in any form. We support our diverse team members, businesses, clients, partners, neighborhoods, and communities—today and always. PIDC remains committed to deploying our resources in ways that address racial inequity in Philadelphia and we have outlined ways to do so in our 2021 strategic priorities.

We welcome your suggestions on how we can continue to improve and expand our efforts to respond to various crises affecting our diverse communities throughout Philadelphia, especially business owners. If you have ideas or feedback that you’d like to share, please email  and a PIDC representative will get back to you as soon as possible.

Wishing you, your families, and loved ones health, safety, and hope for the brighter future ahead.


On Thursday, May 6 at 6pm ET, the Mayor’s Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs will host “AAPIs Talk”, a free online town hall designed to shed light on the current conditions and challenges that the Philadelphia Asian American community is facing today. Register here to listen and learn more.

MCAPAA Website
Twitter: @PhillyMCAA
Facebook: @MCAPAA 

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