Meet Kersy Azocar, Cornerstone of PIDC’s Business Builder Workshops en Español

In October 2021, PIDC introduced Business Builder Workshops en Español, Spanish-language workshops led by Hispanic and Latino(a) professionals. These much needed business support workshops address a wide variety of business challenges faced by Hispanic and Latino(a) business owners. To date, PIDC has held 40+ Business Builder Workshops en Español, and it would not have been

PIDC Announces Recipients of the 2024 PIDC-D’Alessio Scholarship for Urban Development

Photo of scholarship recipients.

PIDC is proud to announce the sixth-round recipients of the PIDC-D’Alessio Scholarship for Urban Development. The scholarship was launched in 2019 to support graduate students at Philadelphia schools seeking to pursue a career in urban development and finance. The scholarship was created by PIDC in recognition of M. Walter D’Alessio’s decades of commitment and leadership

How Queen & Rook Mastered the Game of Small Business Success

In the age of smartphones, streaming services, and video games, it’s easy to forget the charm of face-to-face interactions and the simple joy of sitting down to play a board game. But there’s a place in Philadelphia that is keeping the beauty of board games alive: Queen & Rook Game Cafe.  Queen & Rook opened

How to Protect Your Philly Small Business from Predatory Lending Practices

Funding is critical to the success and scalability of small businesses. Business owners need access to adequate funding for a variety of needs, including payroll, utilities, inventory purchases, and technology to name a few. Because financing is necessary for business growth, bad actors use predatory lending practices to take advantage of hard working small business

PIDC Announces It Has Received A $55 Million Allocation In Federal New Markets Tax Credits

The 9th award for PIDC Community Capital for a total of $473 million in New Markets Tax Credit allocations over 16 years For Immediate Release: September 19, 2024 Contact: Kevin Lessard, PIDCSVP, Marketing Communications & Government Today, PIDC—Philadelphia’s public-private economic development corporation—announced its CDFI subsidiary, PIDC Community Capital, was awarded $55 million in New

Looking Back At PIDC’s COVID-19 Response 

PIDC has a 65-year history of leading Philadelphia’s economy through periods of economic change. In March 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the city to restrict in-person activities to curb the disease’s spread, PIDC promptly sprung into action, marshaling our capital to assist businesses in navigating an unparalleled crisis. PIDC developed the Restart PHL Loan

How to Build an Effective Advisory Board for Small Businesses

Small businesses are becoming the world’s most growing type of business whether people are selling digital products, services, sweet treats, or clothing. The journey of starting and operating a small business is exciting yet challenging. You wear many hats, acting as CEO, accountant, marketer, sales representative, customer service agent—the list goes on.  As a business

Succession Planning Strategies for Philadelphia Small Business Owners

Philadelphia’s small businesses are the backbone of the city’s economy, providing jobs, contributing to local culture, and driving community development. However, as business owners approach retirement or consider stepping away from their day-to-day roles, the question of what comes next becomes critical. Without a clear succession plan, even the most successful business can face challenges

Shop PHL: Black-Owned Businesses

Shopping at Black-owned businesses is a powerful way to support economic equality in your own neighborhood. Approximately 40 percent of Philadelphians are Black or African American, according to the 2020 census, yet they only account for 5.4 percent of businesses in the city. At PIDC, we’re continually working with our partners to increase that number

How to register as a minority-, woman-, or disabled-owned business in Philadelphia

Obtaining your certifications as a woman, minority, or disabled business enterprise (M/W/DSBE) can help grow your business and open new opportunities including government contracts, procurement programs, and networking opportunities. PIDC supports entrepreneurs and fosters a community that benefits Philadelphians from all backgrounds. That’s why we put together this guide to help you understand and navigate