December 19, 2018

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Since the U.S. Navy closed the historic Philadelphia Naval Shipyard (PNSY), the Navy Yard has reemerged as a magnet for new businesses, employment, and investment in Philadelphia. Today, across the 1,200 acres, you’ll find beautifully-preserved brick buildings, repurposed warehouses, and modern architecture alongside historic ships, green parks, and public art.

The Navy Yard’s connection to Philadelphia dates back to the founding of the country in 1776 when the Continental Congress leased land along Philadelphia’s Front Street docks to support naval defense. Later, Southwark Yard was established at Front & Federal Streets, officially becoming part of the U.S. Navy. In 1868, League Island was purchased by the federal government for $1, establishing the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.

The Philadelphia Naval Shipyard (PNSY) operated as a naval base until 1996, employing more than 40,000 people during its peak production period in World War II. During that time, 53 warships were constructed, and an additional 1,218 were repaired. The Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC) made the decision to close the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard on September 26, 1996.

In 2000, PIDC acquired control of the Navy Yard on behalf of the City of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development (PAID). Development has been guided by a master plan created in 1999, and updated in 2004 and 2013 to build upon successes to date.

Considered the most successful redevelopment of a former military facility in the country, the Navy Yard today is an innovative, ever-changing community where companies and their employees thrive. More than $1 billion has been invested creating a vibrant, waterfront home for over 13,500 employees and more than 160 companies in the office, industrial/manufacturing, and R&D sectors. These companies occupy over 7.5 million square feet of real estate in spaces of varying heights, vintages, and floorplates—all powered by a nationally-recognized microgrid.
The incredible transformation of the Navy Yard has garnered national and international awards. In its master developer role at the Navy Yard, PIDC manages all aspects of the property’s management and development, including master planning, leasing, property management, infrastructure development, utility operation, and structuring development transactions.

The Navy Yard’s development team continues to focus on creating unique spaces for employment — expanding businesses, adding residential development, and activating streets with ground floor restaurants and retail. As it grows, the Navy Yard will continue its commitment to high-quality design, historic preservation, and sustainability.

At full build-out, the Navy Yard will support up to an additional 10 million square feet of development, 30,000 jobs, and over $3 billion in private investment.

Read more about the Navy Yard.

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