Congratulations Class of 2020!

by PIDCphila
May 27, 2020

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PIDC would like to congratulate our 2020 interns on their recent graduation.  These talented interns joined PIDC to learn and assist us in driving growth to every corner of Philadelphia. We are hopeful they will accomplish amazing things as we move through this unprecedented time.  Get to know our interns, the PIDC departments they assist, their career goals, and their encouraging words for all 2020 graduates.

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[av_team_member name=’Isaac Linton’ job=’West Chester, PA’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” image_width=” description=’DEGREE:
Bachelor of Science in Economics and Bachelor of Science in Finance, West Chester University

Strategy, Communications and Partnerships’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]

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Career goal:

In my career, I would like to work in public policy, economic research, or applied economics. I am interested in potentially working in consulting or in research at a Federal Reserve bank. I am also open to the possibilities of law school or politics. I want to use the tools of economics to trace root causes of, and combat issues, such as the opioid epidemic and poverty, in order to enact helpful public policy and help people gain physical and spiritual wholeness. At the end of the day, I care about people.   

A message to fellow 2020 college graduates:

I want to encourage my fellow college graduates in the class of 2020 to remember that time is a gift. Although our college careers did not end the way we expected, and many of us are anxious about our future plans (or lack thereof), we have an opportunity right now. Right now is a good time to reflect, relax, be present with family and loved ones (even if virtually), look gratefully on life behind us, look hopefully to life ahead, and ponder how we can make the world a better place. Time is a gift; use it well!


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[av_team_member name=’Cokie Mayenpu Nanka’ job=’Philadelphia, PA’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” image_width=” description=’DEGREE:
Master of City Planning with Concentration in Community and Economic Development, University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design

Credit & Portfolio Management’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]

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Career goal:

My ultimate goal is to work within economic development and work towards economic mobility, wealth-building, and community ownership for minorities and other marginalized identities. I see myself achieving that within the CDFI space, since I am passionate about connecting these groups to capital and also facilitating connections and capacity building that fosters ownership and prosperity. In the long-run, I would love to explore how the informal economy relates to the formalized small business ecosystem in Philadelphia and abroad.

A message to fellow 2020 college graduates:

This academic year definitely did not end how we imagined, but we did it! The uncertainty can be extremely frustrating but one positive thing about the effects of the pandemic is that cities will have to address the very real economic, health, infrastructural, and social vulnerabilities that planning and urban development fields have tirelessly worked to remediate. Now, more than ever, there’s a need for our passion for people, our passion for place, and our skills. That is something to look forward to!


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[av_team_member name=’Jill Audra Schoenfeld’ job=’Woodbridge, CT’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” image_width=” description=’DEGREE:
Master of City Planning with Concentration in Community and Economic Development, University of Pennsylvania School of Design

Real Estate Service’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]

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Career goal:

I would like to work at the intersection of policy and planning to support cities and states in achieving economic development objectives; creating opportunities for individual and community wealth building; providing high-quality open space, transit infrastructure, and public services; confronting climate-related challenges; seeking equitable and just systems and solutions; embracing technology and innovation; upholding government transparency and accountability; and thinking globally.

A message to fellow 2020 college graduates:

We did it! While the near future may seem uncertain, remember that things have a way of working out and they will this time around, too. Continue being curious, seek out learning and professional development opportunities, and tune out the noise. Career paths are rarely linear, so think about what fulfills you instead of what you “should” do. However, be prepared to put in the time and effort to get there. And remember, you’ll be remembered for doing the right thing. Good luck!


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