December 19, 2018

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Built in 1908, former Philadelphia Metropolitan Opera House, The Met Philadelphia, is recognized internationally for its superb acoustics and once served as a recording hall for the Philadelphia Orchestra. In its glory days, it hosted theater and vaudeville as well as the likes of James Cleveland, Mahalia Jackson, The Dixie Hummingbirds, and The Caravans. The lavish space also once served as a movie theater, a venue for basketball and boxing, a vocational school, a gospel concert hall, and home to the Church of the Holy Ghost. Over the years though, the theater’s use began to decline, so it decided to reinvent itself. After all, it remains a popular staple among residents of North Philadelphia and the city as a whole.

With funding from Billy Procida, Fulton Bank, Enhanced Capital, and PIDC, developer Eric Blumenfeld began a $56 million dollar restoration and renovation project which took two years. Earlier this month, The Met Philly opera house finally reopened its doors on North Broad Street. The essence of the original theater still stands now with massive upgrades, including a bar at the entryway. The interior is surrounded by elements of art deco with a royal color scheme of gold, grey, and purple.

The Met Philadelphia has a lot lined up for the new year in terms of events, including performances by John Legend, Dancing with the Stars Live, Boyz II Men, Mariah Carey, Weezer, and many more.

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