March 8, 2024
Categories: Team Members,
Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day, a global celebration dedicated to women’s rights and equality. On this day, we honor the incredible women who help power PIDC’s efforts to drive growth across Philadelphia. These individuals have offered their talents and expertise to serve small business owners of all backgrounds and to raise the profile of PIDC throughout Philadelphia. We thank them for their hard work and dedication.
We spoke to a few of the women on our team to hear their thoughts on the importance of gender diversity in a workplace and what inspires them. Here’s what they had to say:

Jodie Harris
How do other women inspire you?
I admire women who decide that the traditional norms expected of them are not who they want to be and then go for what they want unapologetically and sincerely. However, some women don’t get to choose, and the strength exhibited when trying to live life as fully as possible, in whatever circumstances you find yourself, is motivating and inspiring.
How do you think gender diversity contributes to a stronger and more innovative workplace?
Balance and perspective is key. A workplace without diversity in viewpoints and lived experience stifles growth and creativity.

Camille Simpkins
Relationship Manager
How do other women inspire you?
I am a true believer in the sentiment of your vibe attracts your tribe. I am influenced and inspired by women who are grateful for God’s grace and mercy. I am inspired by the glow of a woman’s spirit, a spirit that teaches her to be free. I am inspired by women who face their fears by faith. I am inspired by women whose style teaches them to embrace their authentic self. I am inspired by women who aren’t afraid to heal, grow, and prosper through self-love. I am inspired by women who aren’t afraid to adjust my crown and support my shenanigans.

Jackie Hall
Community Engagement Coordinator
How do you think gender diversity contributes to a stronger and more innovative workplace?
Gender diversity provides balance in the workplace. The scales have been tipped the other way for so long that there needs to be lots of diversity to help balance the scale.

Amy Schulz
Director, Legal Operations
How do other women inspire you?
Other women inspire me by sharing their stories. Success can mean many things and come in many forms. Whether it is fighting to be the first at something or working behind the scenes to bring about a change, it is inspiring to know that there are endless ways to achieve your goals.

Angie Fredrickson
Vice President, Real Estate
How do other women inspire you?
I have profound respect for women who lead with authenticity in the workplace. Work culture and work spaces continued to be heavily influenced by men, and historically most women who rose to leadership in these environments did so by sublimating the feminine qualities of their personality and experience. It requires bravery and vulnerability for a woman to show up as her whole self at work, and she will almost certainly be subject to criticism. When I see a woman step into her authenticity and choose to be a fuller expression of herself at work, despite her fear of critique, I am deeply inspired.

Heather Hanowitz
Vice President, Business Lending
How do other women inspire you?
I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work with amazing female entrepreneurs and innovators. Their commitment to challenging the status quo and bringing their authentic selves to work everyday is inspiring to me. I’m also in awe of women who demonstrate empathy and emotional intelligence in the workplace. These women are typically strong conveners, collaborators, and leaders in their respective fields. I believe these traits help solve problems and find compromise in a technology-driven, and often divisive or siloed, world we live in.

Alicia Santiago
Analyst & Project Manager, Navy Yard
How do you think gender diversity contributes to a stronger and more innovative workplace?
Gender diversity is important for all voices to be heard and perspectives known. Different genders interact with the world in different ways, and it’s important to know the specific needs of everyone instead of relying on the status quo (i.e., what works for a white, straight, cis-male). Innovation can really come about when everyone’s needs are known and met!

Rachel Hazzard
Director, Marketing Communications
How do you think gender diversity contributes to a stronger and more innovative workplace?
Gender diversity fosters a culture of inclusion, creativity, and innovation that leads to stronger teams, better decision-making, and ultimately, greater organizational success. Women bring critical perspectives to their companies, ensuring a diversity of thought that allows unique ideas to flourish.

Quynh Mai Nguyen
Director, Creative Services
How do other women inspire you?
Women inspire me every day—particularly those who are blazing trails and shattering glass ceilings because they are paving the path for me. When I see women lift each other, lead with compassion, and overcome adversity, my heart is filled with admiration. Their resilience in the face of hardship, creativity in solving problems, and courage to take the helm and guide others – these qualities inspire me to create an impact in my own life and pay it forward to others who are in search of community. It reminds me that we each have the power within ourselves to create impact and live our lives authentically.

Jazmin Rodriguez
Loan Processor
How do other women inspire you?
Women who inspire are so special. They empower others and have a sincere desire to help other women find their purpose. Inspiring women know exactly what their mission is and follow through to execution. Inspiring women have grace and empathy, and encourage others to do the same while allowing themselves to be an example. They offer their time and resources to help others find their life purpose. They think outside of the box, inspiring change. To see a woman who can handle what life throws at her and handle it with grace and virtue is inspiring.

Rhonda Harris
Accounts Receivable
How do you think gender diversity contributes to a stronger and more innovative workplace?
Gender diversity brings a mixture of points of view and different life experiences. The variation of perspectives will yield a variety of approaches, creativity, and innovation which will help the organization seize new opportunities.

Nicole I Krippel
Director Tax Exempt Financing and City Grant Management
How do other women inspire you?
I am inspired by peers and colleagues when experiences about overcoming obstacles and real life situations, be they funny or serious, are shared. I am inspired by genuine people.

Kassandra Colon
Loan Portfolio Monitor
How do other women inspire you?
Whether it’s building the confidence others don’t see, or figuring life out in ways others wouldn’t think to do, it’s those things that make me so inspired to be a woman. We uplift and support one another. I’ve done and seen it all, and I admire the atmosphere women create every single time I’m surrounded by it. Our hard work and ability to navigate obstacles when life throws a curve ball at you, and the actions we take to get the job done inspire me. I see myself in a lot of these reasons, and believe everyone should be inspired by women.
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