by Rachel Hazzard
November 15, 2024
Categories: Team Members,
At PIDC, we’re committed to not only growing Philadelphia’s economy but also to supporting the organizations that make our city a stronger and more inclusive place. In the spirit of the holiday season, we asked our team members to share some of their favorite nonprofits making our city better for all. Whether they’re feeding the hungry, supporting women’s access to healthcare, breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty, or providing space and resources for underserved communities, these organizations are transforming lives and fostering opportunities for growth and empowerment.

Rachel Hazzard
Director, Marketing Communications
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
One of my favorite nonprofits in Philadelphia is the Small Business Development Center at Temple University. I started my career in economic development at the SBDC as a marketing coordinator and truly believe they are one of Philadelphia’s best kept secrets. They are a valuable resource for small business owners and entrepreneurs, providing expert guidance, workshops and webinars, and consulting services aimed at helping businesses start, grow, and thrive. They help entrepreneurs at all stages of business, including individuals still in the ideation stage.
I also love Camp No Worries, a week-long sleep away camp for children with cancer and their siblings. While the camp itself is not directly in Philly, they serve patients, siblings, and bereaved siblings throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. As a survivor and past camper, I know Camp No Worries is a special place. The camp lets kids facing serious challenges just be kids – all at no cost to the families. It’s a place where everyone understands what it’s like to live with cancer, something that goes a long way for children and their families experiencing pediatric cancer.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
This time of year, I like to contribute to toy drives. Every child deserves to feel special during the holidays, regardless of their economic status.

Amy Schulz
Director, Legal Operations
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
My favorite Philly nonprofit organization is the Jewish Relief Agency (JRA). JRA serves over 6,000 diverse, low-income individuals across Greater Philadelphia by relieving hunger, improving lives, and strengthening our community. Through a monthly food distribution program, JRA harnesses the power of hundreds of volunteers to deliver kosher, nutritious food assistance and essential home supplies to thousands of low-income households each month. I love that JRA is volunteer powered and that you can build relationships with the recipients. The energy in the warehouse each month with volunteers of all ages from all over the region is incredible. By delivering to recipients in our neighborhood, my kids understand that hunger is everywhere and that they can do their part to make a difference.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
I like to give back all year round! During the holiday season in particular I like to create opportunities to celebrate with others to make sure that everyone has some extra light during the darkest time of the year.

Amy C. Leichner
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
My favorite nonprofit in the city is Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania (PPSP) for obvious reasons. They offer sexual, reproductive, and complementary health services, provide comprehensive sexuality education, and passionately advocate for health equity and accessible care.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
I volunteer all year round every Saturday by being a clinic escort. Clinic escorts assist patients in getting into the clinic by supporting them as they walk by protestors.

Jodie Harris
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
There are so many impactful organizations in the city. I recently became a board member of the Greater Philadelphia YMCA and I am amazed at the different ways they engage communities across the city. My first “job” was at the Abington YMCA as a camp counselor-in-training (CIT) and it was a great experience. Back then, I wasn’t aware of all the services they provide, such as early learning programs, teen leadership training, youth workforce development, technology training, in addition to fitness classes, sports, and camping. I’m thrilled to support an organization that supported me 40 years ago.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
I primarily give donations but try to find time to support holiday food and coat drives as much as possible.

Tom Dalfo
Senior Vice President, Real Estate Services
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
Project Home. They provide life changing interventions for people experiencing homelessness, empowering adults, children, and families to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty. They provide a wide range of services, including supportive, affordable, and permanent housing for individuals and families, adult education and employment programs, high quality, low barrier, and affordable health and wellness care, and a host of other programs to help alleviate the underlying causes of poverty.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
Cash donations.

Luke Antonello
Grants Administrator
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
William Way LGBT Community Center. Located on 1315 Spruce Street, the center offers a wide range of programs, including a comprehensive library, peer counseling, senior services, educational initiatives, and arts and cultural activities. Additionally, it hosts numerous twelve-step meetings around the clock. In 2019, the center launched the Arcila-Adams Trans Resource Center to provide centralized resources for the trans community in Philadelphia.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
Volunteer my time at a non-profit!

Jennifer Crowther
Senior Vice President, Capitalization & Impact
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
The Philadelphia Accelerator Fund (PAF) is one of my favorite mission-based organizations in Philadelphia. PAF is a nonprofit loan fund created in 2019 to invest in affordable housing and equitable neighborhoods for Philadelphia. PAF provides flexible financing for affordable housing and works to increase access to capital for historically disadvantaged groups, with a focus on Black and Brown developers. PAF’s products and services are designed to be flexible and impactful. I’m thrilled to share that PAF was recently certified as a community development financial institution (CDFI) and I’m proud to serve on their Board.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
During the holiday season, I like to volunteer with my family. In the last couple years, we have been very active with various coat & clothing drives, toy donations, and food pantries.

Quynh-Mai Nguyen
Director, Creative Services
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
I have three favorites! First, VietLead because they are social justice fighters for the local Viet Philly community and neighboring communities of color. Second, the Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival because they give filmmakers a platform to tell real Asian American stories not controlled by Hollywood and Asian American history that you won’t find in your high school textbook. Third, PAQ (Philly Asian & Queer) because it’s a safe space for Asians who are not out to family or are looking for community.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
During the holidays when lots of people are focused on volunteering and giving back, I try to give my attention to my immediate circle and create space for friends and chosen family who don’t have anyone to spend the holiday with or might not want to be alone for the holidays.

Julia Cohen
Project Manager
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
Some organizations I follow include Sol Collective, a Philly harm reduction collective working to end the overdose crisis and support overdose prevention sites; Serenity House, a welcoming, neighborhood-centered space that promotes leadership development, spiritual growth, and community organizing for everyone regardless of age, racial or ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, economic or marital status, or physical or mental ability; and Project HOME, which offers permanent, subsidized housing for individuals and families who had been homeless.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
I pay reparations through Housing Reparations Philly and donate to Planned Parenthood all year through monthly contributions. I also contribute to individual mutual aid requests as they come up and as I am able.

Brandon Tubby
Director, Impact Analysis & Reporting
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
Passyunk Avenue Revitalization Corporation (PARC). PARC is a nonprofit that manages commercial real estate and maintains public spaces in South Philly. PARC owns the famous Singing Fountain Plaza on Passyunk and 11th, which provides a beautiful place to read, talk with your neighbors, and relax while listening to the trickle of water. They also partner with the PHL Taking Care of Business Clean Corridors Program to keep Passyunk Ave safe and clean for the thousands of people who stroll through everyday. PARC does a fantastic job of providing a sense of connection, ownership, and pride in South Philly.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
ACHIEVEability, a nonprofit dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty in West Philly, hosts a massive holiday gift drive for families in the area. Last year, PIDC staff showed up to volunteer and we gave out so many presents to wonderful families. It’s heartwarming to be part of the giving.

Ilene Burak
General Counsel
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
Fairmount Park Conservancy because as the PIDC Board representative, I see the huge impact that the organization has on our city. Parks are truly democracy in action; every demographic is represented on any given day in our parks. The Conservancy works every day to make the parks in the city even more open and more accessible.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
We do our annual giving at this time of year.

Charlotte Merrick
Director of Marketing & Communications, Navy Yard
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
Philabundance is one of the largest food banks in the region, working to combat food insecurity by providing access to nutritious food for individuals and families in need. They run various programs, such as community kitchens and nutrition education, aiming not just to address immediate hunger but to create sustainable solutions for long-term food access and self-sufficiency.
I’m also a big fan of the Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation, which funds many of The Free Library’s vital programs that make a difference throughout our region.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?

Nicole Krippel
Director, Tax Exempt Financing City Grant Management
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
Caring For Friends. Located in far Northeast Philadelphia, Caring For Friends provides meals to people throughout the City of Philadelphia. They also have a food pantry.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
I make extra meals for their freezers and typically donate a turkey or two for their pantry. My neighborhood block is also participating in Toys for Tots and my house is a drop off location!

Carmel Deane
Senior Loan Officer
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
I like Oshun Family Center, an organization providing racially concordant care to members of the Black community who are seeking to achieve optimal wellness through psychotherapy and holistic healing and birthing modalities such as doula and lactation support. Black women are at least three times as likely to die from pregnancy-related causes compared to white women, so having an organization focused on health equity across the reproductive spectrum is critical.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
Mainly through donations to local no profits or families in need.

Rhonda Harris
Accounts Receivable
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
Philabundance, which has been serving the people of Philadelphia for almost 40 years.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
During the holidays, we support the Salvation Army – sponsor five families’ holiday dinners. We also take part in an Angel Tree and collect toys, clothes for children.

Janée Fenter-Moore
Director, NMTC
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
I’m new to the area, so I’m currently in the process of locating nonprofits looking for volunteers in the city.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
Volunteering my time at food pantries and donating food, clothes, school supplies, and toiletries to drives and organizations.

Marla Hamilton
Senior Vice President, Client Engagement & Business Support
What’s your favorite nonprofit organization in the city and why?
Schuylkill River Development Corporation (SRDC). They continue to help evolve the Schuylkill River trail into a pleasant, relaxing, and practical year-round nature destination highlighting the best of the river and its surroundings.
How do you like to give back during the holiday season?
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