by PIDCphila
January 27, 2017

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PRA logoThe Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority is soliciting proposals from developers for a site located in the West Philadelphia Mantua neighborhood of approximately 104,960 square feet (the Project Site). The Project Site is bounded by Wallace Street to the north, Haverford Avenue to the south, 36th Street to the east and 37th Street to the west. The project site comprises two assemblages intersected by Mount Vernon Street. The northern assemblage is approximately 51,194 square feet and the southern assemblage is approximately 53,766 square feet. The Project Site does not include the privately-owned buildings and land at 3617-21 Haverford Avenue, or the land and buildings owned by Philadelphia Housing Authority at 636 N. 36th Street, 3604-08 Wallace Street, and 620 N. 36th Street. The land included in the project site is free of structures with the exception of 622 N. 36th Street which is owned by PRA and included in the Project Site.

By selecting a developer through this RFP, the PRA intends to bring the Project Site back into active use in a manner that is most productive and beneficial for the Mantua community. The site must be developed in accordance with the Mantua Urban Renewal Plan (Attachment A). The controls of the Urban Renewal Plan will run with the site for twenty five 25 years following execution of a Redevelopment Agreement with the selected developer. Any proposed changes to the Urban Renewal Plan must be clearly identified in the respondent’s narrative.

Respondents are encouraged to make their proposals responsive to recommendations in the Mantua Transformation Plan, which has been formally accepted by the Philadelphia City Planning Commission.   This RFP does not prescribe what should be built on the Project Site, and PRA expects respondents to be creative in proposing project concepts that will be beneficial for the community while also being financially viable under current market conditions. Proposals must contain a strong focus on “social impact,” and respondent will be required to describe that social impact as explained below in the section of this RFP that addresses the “Social Impact Narrative.” Proposals should have strong urbanism and architecture.

A pre-bid meeting will be held at the PRA’s offices (1234 Market Street, 16th Floor) on Monday, February 6, 2017 at 10:00 AM.  This meeting is not mandatory; however, all respondents must either attend this meeting or submit their intention to submit by February 17, 2017.

All proposals must be submitted no later than March 17, 2017 by 3:00 PM. Applicants may upload submissions via our website, hand deliver or send submissions via mail to:

Brian Romano
Project Manager
Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority
1234 Market Street, 16th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107

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