by PIDCphila
September 26, 2016

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philadelphia-redevelopment-authority-logoThe Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority invites competitive proposals from developers to purchase and develop the PRA-owned Parcel located at 800-30 Vine Street in Center City Philadelphia. The Parcel is 140,000 square feet and generally bounded by 8th, 9th, Race and Vine Streets. It is currently occupied by an operating parking lot and zoned for high rise development. Permitted uses include a broad range of residential, commercial,  institutional, and cultural uses at high densities. However, the confluence of underground rail tunnels and a sewer easement under the Parcel limit development at surface level. Along with the Request for Proposals (RFP), a survey package to explain these conditions is available for download in the section to the right entitled Resources.

Proposed development should create a visually and commercially prominent facility that will complement the surrounding neighborhood and capitalize on the transit and highway access provided in the area. Developers are encouraged to consider this parcel’s location within an active business community with numerous shops and restaurants. Where possible the project should seek to provide resources for the community and visitors such as public access spaces, community-oriented retail, and/or affordable shared parking options.

A Pre-Submission Conference will be held on October 19, 2016 at 10:00 AM at PRA offices to address questions about the survey and all other documents provided in the Resources section. All potential respondents MUST either attend the Pre-Submission Conference or email an expression of interest in submitting a response by October 28, 2016 (see RFP page 11).

All proposals must be submitted no later than December 14, 2016 at 3:00 PM. Applicants may upload submissions via our website, hand deliver or send submissions via mail to:

Jessie Lawrence
Project Manager
Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority
1234 Market Street, 16th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107

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