Mental Health Matters — Self-Care Tips for Small Business Owners

by Rachel Hazzard
May 29, 2024

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Running a small business can be demanding. You’re often working long hours and handling a multitude of responsibilities. With so much going on, it can be difficult to prioritize your mental wellbeing. But if you place your mental health on the back burner, it can have damaging effects.

A study from Small Biz Silver Lining found that 75% of entrepreneurs are concerned about their mental health. At PIDC, we understand the challenges and pressures entrepreneurs face, so we put together a list of self-care tips even the busiest small business owners can try. 

  1. Prioritize self-care

Self-care is the deliberate practice of engaging in behaviors that ensure mental, emotional, and physical well being. Prioritizing self-care is important for everyone, but for entrepreneurs it’s critical. Small business owners are notorious overworkers, with fifty-seven percent saying they work six or more days each week. Taking a little time each day to focus on yourself can make a big difference. Whether it’s a 5-minute meditation before bed or spending a little time in the sun each morning, adding a bit of self-care to your routine is a must!

  1. Make time to move

 Exercise is key to improving your mental health. While you may not have time to hit the gym every day, adding movement to your routine can drastically affect your mood. Try biking to the office instead of driving or taking an occasional yoga class during your free time. You can even sneak in a walk after your lunch break. Adding a little bit of exercise to your routine can help you feel better.

  1. Take a break

It’s vital to step away from your business once in a while to keep your mental health in check. If you have the opportunity, take a vacation. Breaking out of your normal routine can help you relax and recharge. Even a weekend away can relieve your stress and anxiety. If you don’t have the time to get away, you can still take a break close to home by getting a massage, reading a book, or having a movie night with your friends and family. Any deviation from your day-to-day pattern can make a big difference. 

  1. Don’t forget about your hobbies

Running a business takes significant time and energy. But making sure you take time to enjoy hobbies outside of your business is important to your mental health. Love playing sports? Join a recreation league. If you like to cook, set aside some time to try a new recipe. When you make time to do the things you love, you’ll be happier and healthier. 

  1. Find your community

Surround yourself with others that understand the joys and challenges of owning a business. By connecting with other entrepreneurs who understand your journey, you’ll be able to speak to and hear from people who really get it. Attend formal networking events for small business owners, join entrepreneurship Facebook groups, and set up casual check-ins with your small business friends. 

  1. Ask for (and accept) help

Owning a small business is hard. It takes time, money, and hard work. You often wear many hats, acting not only as owner, but as marketer, accountant, salesperson, and more. But it’s important to lean on your support system and ask for help when you need it. Your friends and family want you to succeed. Don’t be afraid to ask them for help when you need it. And if poor mental health is affecting your daily life, seek out professional help. 

Prioritizing self-care and your mental health is not only an investment in yourself, it’s an investment in your business. Taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. Even small changes can have a large impact, so try out some of these tips and put your mental health first. While we specialize in small business support, we’re not mental health experts. Check out our client On the Goga for more information on prioritizing your mental health.

For additional tips and guidance on how to prioritize your mental health as an entrepreneur and employee, visit PIDC client On the Goga’s Wellbeing blog. 

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