by PIDCphila
December 10, 2015

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DNCThe 2016 Democratic National Convention is coming to Philadelphia! Learn how your business can get involved in DNC opportunities. 


The DNC Host Committee is currently looking for volunteers and vendors to produce a quality event. There are a variety of ways to participate in the convention so we’ve provided some information to help get you started.

Vendor services are requested for event planning and production, transportation, construction, security, marketing, entertainment, catering and others. The Host Committee is committed to diversity in the vendors and contractors they use and encourage diverse business owners­—including those owned by minorities, women, veteran, and members of the LGBT and disabled communities to register for contract consideration.  To be included in the vendor directory, simply fill out this form to register your business. For specific vendor questions please email .

In the coming weeks the DNC Host Committee will launch its volunteer recruitment process. Thousands of volunteers are needed to ensure that the convention’s events are successful. Volunteers are needed for transportation, venue and event support staff, hospitality, social media, administrative support among others.  Those interested in volunteering can fill out this form to register, email or call 215-710-0770.

For more information on the 2016 Democratic National Convention visit phldnc.com.

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